Caroline Mason
Nutritional Therapist
Caroline is a Nutritional Therapist and Food Coach spe -ing in weight management, disordered eating, menopause, anxiety/stress, and addiction in order to help her clients achieve balance and a healthy relationship with food and drink.
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Manjit Sehmby
Cranial Osteopathy / Craniosacral therapy / Osteopathy / Paediatric Osteopathy / Pediatric Osteopathy
Manjit first qualified as an osteopath in 1996, at the British college of osteopathy and naturopathy, moving directly to postgraduate studies in cranio-sacral therapy at the Karuna Centre in Devon.
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James Phillip
Energy healing / Meditation / Reiki / Shamanic Guidance / Shamanic Healing
James Philip brings to his practice more than 20 years of passionate experience of Energy Wisdom, Healing, Shamanism, and Channelled Guidance.
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