
Jane Kersel

Jane Kersel, Tatler’s ‘Happiness Guru’, brings to her work over 20 years of Transcendental therapy: Jungian psychoanalysis: shadow/dreamwork; couples counselling and embodied

“Jane can still a racing mind in one session” (Vogue UK).

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” –
Albert Einstein

Jane is one of the leading Jungian Shadow Work facilitators in the UK having trained and
studied personally with Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone (authors of ‘Embracing Your Inner Critic’,
Partnering: A New Kind of Relationship’, ‘Embracing Ourselves’, and ‘The Voice Dialogue
Anthology: Explorations of the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process’) in Mendocino,
California for over 15 years. This methodology differs from more traditional ‘talking’ therapies, in
that the sessions have an active embodied creativity to them which leads a client from Beta
brainwave (logical thinking) to a deeply healing Theta state, which builds intuition, trust and
confidence in ourselves.

Jane welcomes individual clients and couples who feel stuck, confused, uncreative or struggling
to relate to themselves and outwards to others. Clients may have lost or have little access to
their deep inner rootedness: overly live in their thoughts and have lost their connection to their
physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Instead, they may feel continually stressed, pushed and
pulled by the vagaries of the external world. Couples work looks at the ever-changing energetic
dance between each party and where the blocks in communication and expression of needs
lie. Together Jane and her clients co-create a safe, confidential, space to explore the primary
aspects of the psyche out in the world and those parts suppressed in the shadow or acting out in
others’ behaviour around them. Jane is a natural intuitive healer and sessions may also include:
active imagination; dreamwork analysis; the astrological natal chart/transits; and the tarot deck
to help further unlock the unconscious energetics and bring focus to the power and beauty of
metaphor which by-passes the critical factor of the intellect and stimulates a rewiring of the
unconscious to enable expansion and personal development.

‘Healing depends on listening with the inner ear – stopping the incessant blather and listening.
Fear keeps us chattering – fear that wells up from the past, fear of blurting out what we really
fear, fear of future repercussions. It is our very fear of the future that distorts the now that could
lead to a different future if we dared to be whole in the present.’ – Marion Woodman
Jane is a Fellow of the Complimentary Medicine Association and Senior Member of the ACCPH
(Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists), she is a qualified
Regression Hypnotherapist, holds a Diploma in Jungian Studies and is the Founder and Director of
the Big Pause consciousness retreat centre in Cordoba, Spain.

Fee Structure:
£150 for 55 minutes in person or £135 remotely on Zoom
£250 for 90 minutes in person or £235 remotely on Zoom
