
Manjit Sehmby

With over 20 years of clinical experience, Manjit has treated people from many different backgrounds, from patients in Harley street to the children of The Soul Garden Orphan Outreach Centre and The Women and Health Centre.

In addition to working alongside doctors, dentists and established therapists, Manjit also featured as a consultant and panellist on television show “Health Matters”.

Her work spans a variety of clinical conditions including;

  • Post traumatic stress
  • Anxiety/insomnia
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Digestive problems
  • Acute and Chronic back ache and back pain
  • Women’s  Health
  • Pregnancy care/babies
  • Cranial Sacral/energetic work includes:
  • Chakra balancing
  • Energy flow restoration
  • Lifestyle shifts
  • Aura strengthening.

In 1996 Manjit qualified as an osteopath at the BCNO. A year later, she found herself recovering from a traumatic car accident. The accident had a huge impact on her, and on her career development. Manjit began researching how to heal herself and enrolled directly in a postgraduate course in cranio-sacral therapy at The Karuna Centre in Devon.

In 1999 Manjit worked in India with Gabriella Co Angela, an established teacher from The Osteopathic Centre for Children. Later that year, she worked alongside doctors and naturopaths at the renowned Arogir Mandir Clinic. Here she developed an extensive knowledge of Yoga Pranamaya and Vipassana Meditation. It was through her meditation that she began to experience a connection between the emotional, physical and energetic bodies.

Further to her osteopathic training, she studied a number of complimentary approaches to healing, with a focus on breath work techniques to help clear emotional blockages and align chakras. Manjit became a breath work practitioner and trained under internationally renowned teacher, Peggy Dylan. Manjit’s desire to explore energy work further, led her to study on a “spiritual leadership” programme, which encouraged the use of shamanic traditions to release deep emotional blockages and trauma held on a cellular level.

Manjit’s work today, calls upon her wealth of experience in the art of healing.  She incorporates her osteopathic and cranio-sacral skills with her extensive holistic knowledge.


60 minutes / £110

Paul Lennard

Paul Lennard has been an energy therapist, channeling healing energy for 20 years. He’s known in the press as the ‘Buddha on a Bike’ a reference to his wisdom and speedy results. He is qualified in a mix of energy work, deep tissue massage, CranioSacral therapy and Chi Nei Tsang.

Paul practices globally and treats clients with major and minor illnesses – whether physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. These aspects are so intricately connected that a physical problem may have its roots in an emotional difficulty – even an historical one. Paul’s clients have had positive healing results with conditions ranging from back problems to bipolar disorders.

During a treatment, Paul ‘tunes in’ to the client’s emotional history, clearing trauma that is stored at a cellular level.  Paul can sense people’s energy fields, often seeing where the body is unconsciously holding the memory of an event or feeling, which is still manifesting physically. During treatment, Paul targets places where any such memory is held and releases it, in the process easing the connected problem. This could be deep in the muscles or out in the energy field.

His unique therapy combines ‘scanning’ the body with his hands – for diagnosing and healing – and his own eclectic mix of energy work, deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy and Chi Nei Tsang.

In deep tissue massage Paul focuses on deep muscles, fascia (connective tissue), ligaments and tendons. Craniosacral therapy is a gentle technique that works on balancing the rhythms of the body.

Chi Nei Tsang is a Chinese system in which Paul focuses on releasing blocked energy -‘Qi’ – by massaging the abdominal area.


Energy Healing Session in clinic 60mins / £150

Distance Healig session over Skype or Zoom 50mins / £130


Paul is currently available on Tuesdays from 9am – 7pm for in person sessions in clinic and on Wednesdays from 10am-6pm for distance healing sessions carried out over Skype or Zoom:- book online (click “Energy Healing” under Find An Appointment/What are you looking for?)

“My hour with Paul was life-changing… an experience like no other..”
– Harper’s Bazaar

“Paul Lennard has an uncanny ability to read people’s energy and highlight any issues.” Medicine Man
– Condé Nast Traveler –

“My star beauty secret? Healing sessions with Paul Lennard. He takes away all the emotions and stress. This takes years off my face and keeps me internally balanced.” – Daily Mail –